March 14, 2025

iPhone 5 Giveaway from DealPixel

Back in June, we launched DealPixel, a site where web and creative professionals can find amazing deals on the stuff that makes their job easier. The launch was a huge success and we’ve been able to provide some great bargains over the past few months, and we’re very excited to keep this going. So excited, in fact, that we’re giving away a brand new iPhone 5! How’s that for an amazing deal?

UPDATE: The giveaway has ended and the winner has been selected. Congratulations to Robert Leonetti!! We hope you enjoy your new iPhone 5!

We’re Giving Away the New iPhone 5 (16GB)

To be eligible, simply follow the easy instructions below.

How to participate

  • Use the field below to subscribe to the DealPixel newsletter. Enter your email address and press the “Subscribe” button.
  • On November 20th, we will select a random winner from the subscribers that signed up through this giveaway.
  • You must be signed up for the DealPixel newsletter at the time of the drawing in order to be eligible.
  • Tweet this post and leave a comment (optional).


Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. He is the founder of WDL and ThemeTrust.


  1. Jesse Gonzalez Reply

    Awesome giveaway! Would love to win for my wife! Entered by subscribing via email (, shared on FB, “liked” on FB, shared on LinkedIn and tweeted on Twitter (@jgonzalezNYC)

    Thanks again!

  2. Adam Reply

    Poop on all the iPhone-haters! They can live in their Android-deluded fantasies all they like, spewing hateful poison on anything Apple. The more they talk the more pathetic they look. I want to win an iPhone 5 so I can show the world what a truly magnificent mobile device can do: amazing photos, unparalleled design, the power of a genuinely useful app ecosystem, & an OS so solid and intuitive it makes their eyes water and mouths drool with total, all encompassing phone-lust. A glint alone from the iPhone 5’s chamfered edge will make their Android phablets burst into flames. “iPhone haters, prepare for the flesh to melt from your bones as I reveal the true glory of iPhone 5’s blinding brilliance!”

  3. Matt Reply

    Um… ok so, I received this giveaway promotion through the newsletter, asking me to signup to the newsletter, and when I do (worth a try I figured) I’m told I’m already signed up.


  4. iDevicr Reply

    I love WebDesignerLedger and I should win this as I need to win the iPhone 5 to check WebDesignerLedger Blog Updates and DealPixel daily on the iPhone 5 every time I wake up! DealPixel is awesome!

  5. Cre8iveJunction Reply

    How come the Ending Date for the contest has been changed from NOVEMBER 10th to NOVEMBER 20th?

    Thats misleading the public at large and i am very much in agreement with Dzhuneyt that it may also be illegal…

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