February 16, 2025

Marton Anka debuts Caret: An Address Book with Live Updates

Marton Anka is the co-founder of LogMeIn which has gained a lot of attention in the startup scene. Just recently Marton announced a new project named Caret.

The goal is to revolutionize how we use our address book. It’s meant to be more of a social application that connects us to contacts via availability, very much like a chat messaging system.

Every user is given complete control over which information they’d like to share with address book contacts. This can range from GPS location & calendar events to a chat status like “available”.

Caret homepage diagram ui

Caret is being released for both iOS + Android, and it will connect into each native address book to draw contacts who are also using Caret. This way it’s far easier to sync already-existing contacts together and start using the app right away.

Take a peek at the Caret homepage for more information along with a brief diagram of the app’s features. You’ll find plenty of screenshots on the website, along with the App Store preview pages.

Not everyone is going to like this idea by the way it differentiates contacts into certain groups, each with differing levels of privacy. But if you do have a list of contacts that you’d like to manage easier, why not check out Caret to see if it can be smoothed into your workflow?


Jake is a creative writer and UI designer by trade. You can follow him on twitter @jakerocheleau or learn more at his personal website JakeRocheleau.com.

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