Common domain search engines can check if a domain name is free while offering potential alternatives. These tools are great and have worked well for decades.
But in the modern era of web development we often need a little more. A domain isn’t always enough – most websites & webapps require social accounts on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and others.
Namevine is a powerful tool used for searching brand accounts and domains all from a single page. The site runs on Ajax so all search queries pull instantly without any page refresh.
This is undoubtedly the best tool at your disposal for launching a new project. You can check domain availability along with social accounts to build up a tremendous digital brand with ease.
A noteworthy point is that you can toggle all domain alternatives from the top-right corner “settings” link. This will search far beyond a simple .com so you can ideally find the perfect domain for your startup or web project.
Namevine does have alternative suggestions but I haven’t found them to be as useful as other websites.
But this one shortcoming pales in comparison to the incredible features connected with Namevine. Instant search is a highly-requested feature because it saves time and offers a quicker workflow.
The next time you’re working on a new product name stick with Namevine to save yourself time & headaches.
Thanks for the write-up on Namevine!
I built Namevine a few years ago to scratch my own itch. I’m usually working on a handful of projects… and creating a consistent brand across my domain and social media profiles is always one of the first steps. What was previously a bunch of time and tab-switching between sites is now a quick lookup on Namevine.
Let me know if you have any questions or requests!
Finally — what are some of your favorite domain name suggestion tools? I’m looking to improve Namevine’s suggestions and you mention that its a bit lacking.