January 20, 2025

WDL Premium: Water Color Dry Brushes

I set out to create a water color brush for this set, and I wanted to do something that I haven’t seen in a water color Photoshop brush, but I wanted it to be useful at the same time. As I was playing with the various brushes, I tried a 1″ sponge brush to see what type of effect I could get. The sponge brush soaked the water and paint very quickly, giving the stroke sort of a dry brush effect. I could vary the stroke depending upon how long I waited from loading the paint to putting the brush to paper.

I think this set is very useful for adding heavy water color strokes to backgrounds. The strokes have a very nice transparent nature, and can be overlaid one on top of the other for a really nice effect. I hope you enjoy this set, and have as much fun using them as I did creating them!

Water Color Dry Brushes

Water Color Dry Brushes

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About The Author

Tom Walker avatarNathan Brown is a graphic designer living in Austin, Texas. You can see more of his work at his blog, Room 122.


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