February 16, 2025

Free Sketch Color Palette Plugin for Designers

Every UI designer should at least know about Sketch as it’s been making waves through the online design community. This OSX-exclusive application is an alternative to Photoshop made solely for graphic/UI designers.

One of the best things about Sketch is the open nature of plugin development. Many developers have built and released free Sketch plugins that dramatically enhance workflow.

A developer by the name Andrew Fiorillo has recently put out a brand new plugin named Sketch Palettes.

Sketch Palette plugin

I first found this plugin via Designer News which explains its purpose:

It grabs the colors from the Document Colors section of the color picker and saves them as a .sketchpalette file, which you can then share with other people that have the plugin. Loading the palette file replaces the colors in the Document Colors section of the color picker for the current document. There is also a command to just clear out all of the Document Colors.

Color palettes can be saved and loaded together based on similar import/export features. Everything ties into the Document Colors area of Sketch which can behave much like a selection of colors.

New files are saved with .sketchpalette extensions which are meant solely for this plugin.

If you want to check it out visit the Sketch Palettes GitHub page for the download link + install details.

Jake is a creative writer and UI designer by trade. You can follow him on twitter @jakerocheleau or learn more at his personal website JakeRocheleau.com.

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