February 16, 2025

Giveaway: Freelance Starter Kit from Vandelay Premier

Have you heard about the Freelance Starter Kit from Vandelay Design? The kit is a great resource for anyone who is just branching out into freelancing, or for those who have been freelancing but are looking to get better results. The bundle includes loads of valuable resources that will make a difference in your business. The resources will save you time, protect you legally, show you how to build your business, and help you to create awesome work for your clients.

Update: Congratulations to the following winners:

  • Sophie Lewis
  • Travis
  • Juliana Hughes
  • Matthew
  • Robb Lewis

We will get in touch with the winners! Thanks to all the participants.


We will give away 5 copies of the Freelance Starter Kit and to participate is easy, just leave a comment on this post.

The Freelance Starter Kit includes:

Contract Templates: Having an effective contract for your client work is critical.

Identity Sets: Present a professional image to your clients with these identity sets that include an invoice template, a proposal template, letterhead, envelope, and business card.


E-books on Business and Freelancing: These e-books cover specific topics related to running a successful freelance business.

Interview with Successful Designers: There is a lot that can be learned from successful designers.

Icons: Every web designer has a constant need for high-quality icons, so we’ve included some of our most useful icons that are likely to get a lot of use in your client work.


Giveaway Details

  • 5 winnners, 1 bundle each
  • Comment on this post to be eligible
  • One comment per person
  • Winners randomly selected on June 29, 2011

In case you want to speed up and get your Freelance Starter Kit, Vandelay Design is offering our readers a $5 off coupon to purchase it, so just enter “wdl” as a discount code and you are ready to go.


Gisele Muller loves communication, technology, web, design, movies, gastronomy and creativity. Web writer, portuguese/english translator and co founder of @refilmagem & @mentaway Twitter: @gismullr


  1. Robert Kostin Reply

    The idea of this kit sounds great. Having been freelancing for sometime now, I hope I could write a kit like this myself — but if there’s one thing I know: I know less than I think I do! Anyone can always learn a few new tricks.

  2. John Wickee Reply

    That sounds like a nice little kit. I could see it be very useful, as I’m looking to branch off to doing some stuff myself.

  3. Juan Castro Reply

    I’m new to the freelance world and I think this package will definetely help me move in the right direction. I want it!

  4. Jeff Reply

    This is fantastic! Getting ready to become a full-time freelancer myself. I’d love some help getting started.

  5. Vince Homan Reply

    In Act 2 of my Marketing, Communications and Sales career. This would be great to have your starter kit as a tool for my freelance startup…..

  6. jamie p. Reply

    I love this and am so excited about it! Would LOVE this product, hope it’s as amazing as it sounds :)))))

  7. zero29design Reply

    This offer is near as good as that time my granny offered me those strawberry dohnuts and ice cream. They went down a treat!!!

  8. Kendra L. Reply

    This would be amazing to have! It’s a great resource to pull all this information together, specially since starting out can be a bit complicated!

  9. Megan Reply

    This looks like a great bundle of resources. Really the kind of jumpstart that freelancers need to grow to the next level.

  10. Stacy Siu Reply

    Gosh, I want to start up a freelance consulting business & I don’t know where to start…this would be perfect!

  11. Matt Reply

    Looks like a great kit and I’m just starting out myself in the freelance world. Pick me, pick me!

    … Don’t make me need to get a real job again! 🙂

  12. Christina Reply

    The starter kit sounds like a great way to get me organized and ready to move full force into my own business.

  13. Angela Reply

    I have branched out on my own…. it is not as easy as it looks! – Between invoicing, quoting and still trying to find time to design… I seem to be permanently seated at my desk! …. Designing for myself seems to the hardest though, I can never make my mind up on what I want! This starter kit looks awesome & would be great to have…. 🙂

  14. Davida Reply

    Certainly would be a great help in my new endeavour! well I might get lucky. Thank you for the generous of
    fer anyway

  15. Brad Reply

    Am I missing something here? Aside from a few e-books, there doesn’t seem to be much here you can’t find on this very site for free, and in huge quantities. feel free to prove me wrong…

  16. Emily Young Reply

    This is brilliant.

    Something the web design world seems to keep secret is contract, agreements and pricing. Would be nice to see how it works.

    If I don’t win it, I’ll be buying it!

  17. Cecilia Reply

    The Freelance Starter Kit sounds excactly like what I am looking for to give a kick to my life. I’ve already trying freelancing, but I have never been brave enough to make it a choice of life. I am sure I am only lacking in good adivices, which are included in the Kit.

  18. Sandra Vercellono Reply

    Excellent giveaway. i am also interested in how you recently discovered a new career online. Sounds interesting, especially in the trying economy right now.

  19. Kathleen Reply

    Having been underemployed for a while, money is always tight, a free starter kit beats working at the mall hands down. I would love to test it out and review it for you.

    Thanks for thinking of those of us on a budget.

  20. Koketso Sefanyetso Reply

    I am a fashion designer and free TV commercial wardrobe stylist. This freelance kit is exciting news for someone like me who has to do the day to day running aswell as administration for my business Phoenix Style Concepts.

  21. Yelena Reply

    Cheap design is like a tattoo… once you get it you’re forever branded with it.(Ken Peters)
    To start good and make your ideas real and successful you have to start with something… Something good and helpful. And this Freelance Starter Kit is the right start…

  22. Jason Reply

    Contract Templates are always helpful in case there is a better way to word things or something I might not have in my current one.

    The Identity Sets sound interesting for a souce of inspiratoin. Might even replace/update my current invoices and letter heads.

    And I am always looking for new and/or better ways of doing things, so the E-books and Interviews are of definate interest.

  23. Shruti Reply

    This looks like a great set of tools, especially the contracts and business advice! I would love to have one please. 🙂

  24. Matthew Reply

    Very cool. Thanks for sharing and helping other designers out. Building a large resource data base is super helpful with workflow. Things like basic wire frame shapes that are scaled for a 960 Pixel Grid, or a set of vector social media icon are great. And from the looks of this set I’m sure the Identity templates, icons, and e-books would also be super helpful for a number of designers.

    Thanks again!

  25. Juliana Hughes Reply

    I am just branching out my small business and this would be such an amazing starter kit!! As a web consultant, TIME is of essence and this starter kit would save a lot of my time w/ those beautiful templates!

  26. Travis Reply

    I would love to have this. I am just starting out as a freelancer and am constantly looking for free resources. Thanks for the opportunity.

  27. Victoria Reply

    I am starting a kitchen and bath web design business and this kit would be advantageous as a start up tool. Thank you for thinking of us new web designers!

  28. LaryssaW Reply

    I would love a copy. I am planning to start freelancing in about a year. I am a recent college graduate and just landed my first industry job for experience.


  29. Nicky Reply

    This is an excellent promo! And these contract templates, unlike the ones in the GAG Pricing and Ethical Guidelines, are already digital.

  30. Tyson Reply

    This looks like an amazing tool. As an aspiring freelancer, I wouldn’t know the first things regarding legal and contracts. Something like this would help any young designer come a long way in looking professional to their clients.

  31. Angie Reply

    I’ve been seriously thinking about freelancing for quite some time and this pack will really help me get the kick start I need.

  32. Will Reply

    This is just the thing I need to get my new business off the ground. It’s like everything I need all in one place!

  33. Cheryl Reply

    Need, need! I’ve been doing little projects here and there and really want to move forward. This kit would be a huge help.

    Thanks for introducing us to the kit, WDL!

  34. Fran Reply

    This sounds great! Out of University and into the big bad world of freelancing, it would be awesome to have a starter kit like this. Me! Me! Me!

  35. Ron Reply

    I’m a 47 year old web and graphic designer who graduated from school in 2010. I was laid-off from a manufacturing job in 2008. I’m dumber than a bag of rocks when it comes to coding but this could really solve that issue. I’d love to have the opportunity to try it.

  36. Nemin Reply

    I’m a Graphic/Web Designer from Brooklyn. This Starter kit is just what i need to kick off. Thanks for creating the opportunity!

  37. Maggie Reply

    This would be a helpful toolkit…. A great way to kickstart an idea that been rolling around in my head for a long time.

  38. Ram Ratan Maurya Reply

    Seems very interesting, June 29th, I would be congratulation WDL for giving away this book. 🙂

  39. Connie Murray Reply

    Great products…to start a freelance work information on the tool kit will be valuable assets for freelancer. Wish to have one desperately. Kind regards…

  40. Neri Reply

    Would be definitely appreciative of this giveaway! With a new baby on the way freelance from home seems like the best way to go, and this Freelance Starter Kit seems perfect!

  41. had Reply


    Never won something, but don’t care, just hope 🙂
    By the way in love with content of your blog so big big up !

  42. Claudio Vargas Reply

    Nice…I could really have some use for this starter kit. Great site by the way, lots of great articles.

  43. B Reply

    sounds like agood idea… But… the contract template would only work for people living in english speaking countries.

  44. Reed K Reply

    What a great giveaway! The templates for invoicing and contracts would be a great tool for starters like myself.

  45. Lee Reply

    I read Neil Tortorella’s “Starting Your Career as a Freelance Web Designer” and this kit looks quite useful. I have contracts and invoicing templates but the print templates, icon sets, ebooks would be nice to have.

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