February 15, 2025

In this glorious/terrifying digital age we live in, there truly is an app for everything. We’re talking ordering pizza, operating a drone, learning a new language, even checking out what it would look like if we were to merge faces with Danny Trejo (pretty unsettling, FYI).

There are literally millions of downloadables floating around, a handful of which claim to be able to help us refine our style, but which ones are actually worth having?

To save you from cluttering up your smartphone finding out, we’ve compiled a rundown of the apps we think no stylish man should be without.


Instagram isn’t just a place to share pictures of your lunch or funny snaps of your dog – this platform is filled with fashion and style inspiration for men of all ages and tastes.

Not only have global brands flocked to the social media network since its inception back in 2010, but the very best menswear bloggers, street style photographers and publications like us can also be found amongst its millions of profiles.

Available free on iPhone and Android.



eBay is great and all, but for those who find the process of making a listing a tad arduous, Depop might just be your new best mate.

Best summed up as an Instagram version of the auction site, simply take a few quick snaps of the item you want to sell, fill in some basic details, and your clothes will be listed as images in grid form for all to see and buy at the push of a button.

Available free on iPhone and Android.


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